Joomla! Template 002083 - Item Support

esta versión es compatible con joomla 3.9.4 y tengo problemas al subir el archivo al llegar al 98% me sale un error pero no me dice cual error es
Try to check your server logs.

Regards, AS Team.
Buenas tardes ya he subido el contenido de la plantilla y las extenciones pero no funciona correctamente en los celulares les dejo el link de la pagina
Tengo problemas con la plantilla, no se ve bien en el móvil
Can you please provide us with more info? What looks not good on your device?

Regards, AS Team.
Hola. cuando veo mi pagina en los dispositivos moviles todas las animaciones se dañan el menu principal esta siempre desplegado, el slider principal no carga, y las animaciones de los textos no se muestran tengo un joomla 3.9.4
Muy buenas tardes, el día 23 de mayo realice una pregunta pero no me han dado respuesta tengo diferentes preguntas

1. como puedo hacer la instalación de una plantilla con licencia regular si ya tengo instalada una gratuita y no quiero perder el menú ni los elementos y artículos creados

2. cuando veo la plantilla en celulares el menú principal y todas las animaciones de la pagina se pierden y no se ven para que se vea el texto he tenido que usar siempre la configuración html ya que si selecciono la opción de la plantilla no se ve en los celulares

Good afternoon, on May 23, ask a question but I have not received an answer, I have different questions

1. How can I install a template with a regular license if I have already installed a free one and do not want to lose the menu or the items and articles created

2. When I see the template in cell phones the main menu and all the animations of the page are lost and can not be seen to see the text I have had to always use the html configuration since if I select the option of the template it is not visible on cell phones
1. Just install the premium template and make it as your default.
2. Have you installed your website using quick-start installation package? We think you have some misconfiguration.

Regards, AS Team.
hello I need to change the images that are in the background in the custom modules but I could not
You can do it by editing 'templates/as002083/css/tmpl.default.css' file, as example please see line 2350, the following class:

#content-row-2 .content-row-2-wrapper::after {

background-image: url(../images/bg.row2.jpg);
background-position: left center;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;
display: block;
left: 50%;


Regards, AS Team.

I need to change the language of the site to Spanish Colombia and replace the text read more
how can I do it ?
Did you install Spanish support in your Joomla admin panel?

Regards, AS Team.
good afternoon the answers have not been helpful, I send an image of what I need

I need to change the language of the template to Spanish and remove these texts that are underlined
Je suis sous Windows 10 et je veux mettre le template as002083_quickstart Licence régulière sous XAMMP v3.2.4 et c'est impossible de le téléchargé au complet .en mode décompressé

I am with Windows 10 and I want to put the template as002083_quickstart Regular license under XAMMP v3.2.4 and it is impossible to download it in full. In decompressed mode

Sorry, not quite understand the problem, please provide us with more info.

Regards, AS Team.

I need to remove the magnifying glass from the categories from Projects. It's there a way to do this?
Thank you
In the template's style.custom.css file please add the following class: .view .item_more { display: none; }

The file you can find in the templates css folder.

Regards, AS Team.
It worked!

Thank you very much

I have a problem with the slider from home page. On the phone the article text slide and Read more button is not apearing so I can't access the the link. I switched Images as links in the slider options to item link but is not working for slides 3 and 4. I have 4 slides and on slide 3 and 4 I changed the read more link and button with another button and link because I need to go to a category not to an article so need to switch to custom link in the slider options. Where can I set this custom link? I can send you the link in private if it helps.
Thank you very much.
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Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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