Joomla! Template 002027 - Item Support

i have a older Version 2.1.0 from 05.12.2011.
My Question is, must i make a update to 3.0.1 or not?

Is the Version 3.0.1 a security update?
Can i stay with my Version 2.1.0?

Sorry for my bad English
and thanks for Answer,

Sorry, your license has expired.
In case your license was not expired (365 days after the date of purchase) the latest version can be download from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.


Great template, good work!

I updated my website with the previous template version with this new one.

Now, after the upgrade, the module on position 9 has white background instead of a grey/black background. But I can't find the correct configuration to switch back the old background color.

Also the text color in position 53 switched to grey instead of black.

Can you assist me, where to configure these two issues correctly?

Thanks and regards,
Hello CHRONOS069,

For position 9 you have to set background pattern in the:
Template Configuration Parameters ->
Header Configuration Parameters ->
Slider Modules Row ->
Bottom Custom Position Parameters.
We used the following pattern from the media images folder:

For changing the font color for the position 53 please use Footer Configuration Parameters -> Row 2 -> Get In Touch Font Color.

Regards, AS Team.

In this version Background pattern you have select from the media manager, see template parameters

Regards, AS Team "

OK, that is background pattern for content but I want red not black template at all (like in past version). How?
By the way, in media manager I have such black, autumn and brown pattern. There's no red (in folder contained in template). How can I set all template to be red?
The next question, sorry for that.

How can a menu module on position 54 (Facebook, YouTube link-icons) ordered horizontally instead of vertically (default)?

Thanks and regards,
Hello CHRONOS069,
We used Custom HTML module in this position, please see the following article for more info (Footer - Positions 54 - Custom HTML Module):

Regards, AS Team.
I have another question. I am having a real tough time figuring out how items such as Solutions / Read More, Services / Read More, Consulting / Read More on the main page work. What are they? They have no positions, I can find the text and the picture, but where is the button? I would like the button to link to an article on another page, same as does the main menu items. Please point me in the right direction.

On the home page we have used Featured Articles, please see the following page for the Home page Source code example:

Regards, AS TEam.
Maybe you didn't understand me quite well:
I need to change header and footer (background) color (pattern) from black to dark red (not background behind articles) , as in previous version. How? I want top and bottom of the page (and background of the titles...) to be dark red, not black!!!

2. It will be nice to write some short explanation what is what in template configuration (row1 col2, row x...) for faster orientation. Maybe with a picture as module position.

3. How (where) can I turn up logo image ( about 30px up )?

4. Where I can change padding on module position 48, 49... ?

5. Horizontal ruler doesn't displaying in articles.
Sorry, this version doesn't have such option, you have to create your own css or change the background pattern using the template parameters.

For any customization services please use our Services page, sorry we are not able to provide such kind of support for free:

Regards, AS Team.

thank you for your Answer!
Hier my Purchase Date: 2012-03-01.

Please ,my Question is very important for me:
Is the Version 3.0.1 a security update?
Can i stay with my Version 2.1.0?

You can the Answer send to my email.
thank you very much

p.s. I makes many modification on the Template.
I do not want to spend as much time with the update.
Therefor my Question

Sorry for mistake, your license is active.
New version doesn't have security updates, but it was fully remodeled and it could take a time to update all your data. We recomend keep using your old version, if it working fine. You can download and test the new version using Quickstart installation package :

Regards, AS Team.
thank you so much for your positive reply ;-)
Regards from Vienna,
1. Where I can change padding on module position 48, 49... ?
Also, there's no padding in module positions 32, 33...
It's very ugly if there's no padding in their positions because they are connected (32, 33, 34, 35) so the text is connected too and therefore it's hard to read.

2. Horizontal ruler doesn't displaying in articles. WHY?
It is a bug because it is problem only with this template.

Please, answer me to both questions. Thanks.

Can You please provide with your site URL? We would like to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, how can I load a PDF attachment to the side, which can be reloaded as a download from the user?

How can I change the contact form in German?

Thank you for your reply. regards Thomas
Hello THOMAS73,

You have to zip the pdf file, upload it to your server, and make the link to this file.

template 002027 has original joomla contact form, so it should not have the problem with translating to German, please check, maybe you are using any other third party extension.

Regards, AS Team.

Sorry but I can't provide you an URL because the website isn't on the web.
I can only show this print of screen with that issue.

We are sorry, without to see the source code we can't help you.

Regards, AS Team.
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