Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

Hi AS Team
I installed the quikstart package but it change nothing.

My URL is

Please can you see what is my problem
It looks like you have not installed sample data on final step, please carefully check the following page, last step:

Regards, AS Team.
you mean the Finalisation the check install Sample Data? I don't found this page to check it on.
I installed all the extension quicktart and premium.

Thanks for help
How you installed all extensions and the template, via Joomla extensions manager?

Regards, AS Team.
I'm having a problem getting contact info to line up in joomla contact page, I would like it to all align left, I assume it's in the css somewhere but can't find it, can you give me an idea where to look please.

Link is

Hello PDOIG11,
In case to have it exact like our demo preview you must install it using quick-start installation package, if by some reason you can't install it on your live server our suggestion is to install it on some demo server or demo folder, after you will be able to preview all parameters/settings/content etc and you will be able to set everything on your site like on our demo preview.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS-team,

I purchased this and another template. I installed them locally with xamp and uploaded them. since then, I was not able to do a JOOMLA update due to 'currupt archive file'. I didn't change any settings. It is still on version 3.2.3. Can you please advice? Thanks.
Hello UBUNTU22,
Try to download the package one more time and reinstall it, or in your Joomla admin panel -> Global configurations -> Server settings change the Error reporting parameter to 'None'.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As-team,

I already tried all of this. I dont have any idea whats wrong. and I didn't find any solution anywhere. Please help...
Hello UBUNTU22,
Maybe you have some misconfiguration on your local server, try to install this package on live server. Sorry, because it is located on your server we can't help you, we must to have an access to the server.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS-Team,

How can I resolve these errors?

Strict standards: Non-static method PhocaGalleryLibrary::getInstance() should not be called statically in C:\Users\FPozuelo\Documents\wamp\www\instalcicarr\administrator\components\com_phocagallery\libraries\phocagallery\library\library.php on line 44

Strict standards: Non-static method PhocaGalleryPath::getPath() should not be called statically in C:\Users\FPozuelo\Documents\wamp\www\instalcicarr\modules\mod_phocagallery_image\mod_phocagallery_image.php on line 36

Strict standards: Non-static method PhocaGalleryPath::getInstance() should not be called statically in C:\Users\FPozuelo\Documents\wamp\www\instalcicarr\administrator\components\com_phocagallery\libraries\phocagallery\path\path.php on line 50


These messages you can disable in your Joomla admin panel -> Global configurations -> Server -> Error reporting to 'none'.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, (URL).

Please take a look at my initial request- the HOME page slider not showing all the images but shows only 3 images - slide1 to slide3 on HOME PAGE. I also have slide7 to slide21 which are not showing.
All images meant for the front page slider are all same sizes - 700 x 300 jpeg.

I have increased the number of column as was asked to but still not working.
I will be grateful for your assistance in this. At least if you could take a look and tell me what I am doing wrong. So I could take the steps to correct it.
Much grateful,
Hello JRC1234561,
The username and/or password are not working, please check.

Regards, AS Team.
Please check back to the purchase area for update on the username and PW. Sorry about the mistake. Thanks.
Hello JRC1234561,
Still doesn't work.

Regards, AS Team.
You cant tell me that! Are you looking at the right product area? AS 002031.
I have given you the same login info that I personally use to log into that backend. That is the same login info. I have just logged into it.

now I see that you are playing a delay tactics with me. How else do I log into the back end with the same info as I gave you?

You must not pay attention to my notes. The URL is and the login info is at my purchase area under AS 002031.

now for security reason I am not able to post that same info here but if that is what it will take for you to be able to see the correct login info then tell me or if you request for me to pay you to check out this problem let me know because I am not sure what else you want me to do.
Please see what you can do.
There is no response from you.
Obviously it will seem like you are refusing to help.
When I purchased this template I assumed that you will be there to support my venture.

So if you think that there is no way to get your help. Please could I pay for it?

I will be more than happy to pay so this issue can be fixed once and for all.
Please let me know how much. No offence intended.
Hello JRC1234561,
You have only 3 articles under category 'Slider' in your Joomla admin panel -> Content -> Article manager panel, you have to add more.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 5 Product
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