Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

Yes I had made changes in the code.
Yes, you will need to make changes.
Hello, Thanx, in the first place for a very nice template. But if i wanted to add a dropdown submenu item then it is not working. If i check the yes button on by ”show sub menu items” then its horizontal, but i like it vertical.

thanx in advance for helping me.

my site is
Sorry, it works for Lite or Premium versions, please see template details page for more info.
Hi, i have premium 002031. I want some design like in demo (with some menus, categories,...). Is possible send me sql file for import (from demo)? This will be for me more easier, then:
Sorry, we don't have sql dump file for this template.
When I click for disconnecting me : Notify me when a comment is posted. It does not work.
I do not want to receive NOW the other comment. Perhaps later but it does not work.
Thank you.
We will check and resolve this issue asap.
I have purchased the premium version. Great job !

I just want to change the background color for the main articles from white to something other. Question: in which CSS and position I find the the possiblity to add the ”background-color syntax” I just looking and trying around and around and can't find it. Please give me a hint.

Best regards,

Probably you will need to change it in the styles.php file.
Any idea where to implement the colors for a [hr] tag ?

Cheers, Manuel
In any of the css files.
Hello, i have premium 002031. I have problems with the dropdown-menue. It doesn't work even i click on the menue button and the article is open/active. URL:
Please check the following page:
You need step 7.

How to change the quantity field widht on this page ?

It's not a problem with Hikashop cause it work great with others templates.
Sorry, it is not related to our template, you should make changes in Hikashop in some place.
Install ERROR..

JFolder::create: Path not in open_basedir paths
Unable to create destination

? and thank u!
You don't have ”writable” permissions, please check that the folder mode is 777.
What size (dimensions) must have the image to use with the slider?
700x300 px
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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