Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

I think that the reply that says ”The template.css file can be found on your server in:
/templates/as002031/css folder.

Or you can edit it using Joomla admin panel, go to

Extensions - Template Manager - Templates, click on the template name, you should have all stylesheets on the right side of the page.” is a reply to me but it does not help me at all. Should I put something in front of the instruction that starts ”/templates
When I go to the template manager and open the template all I can find on the right is the Basic Configuration, Logo and Login Configuration and Slider Configuration, where do I find the style sheets.
How do I remove the box that has appeared with the word ”Home” in it
So far I have received 9 emails from you saying that I have a reply but so far nothing that helps me.
we think you opened 'Styles', in case to edit css you need:
Extensions - Template Manager - Templates
instead of
Extensions - Template Manager - Styles
please check the site
Black background on menu, modules and near the slider as it is on your website doesn't appear in my case.
That is because you are using a space in url: 'pds svetaine', we made some updates in css files, please download the updated template from your account and reinstall it.
hi. I am totaly lost because I have not been able to open any thing like .css or any thing similar. Where do I find ”Extensions-Template Manager-Templates?
Also, I am still waiting to find out how to remove the ”home” box from the front page
Thanks Ken
In the Joomla! Help please look for 'Template Manager: Templates - Edit'
Regarding the 'home', please provide us with an URL, we have to see it.

about 002031 Premium Version

When i am in administration and try to add an picture to an artikle all is good. But when i try to edit an article on the site and add an picture it doesnt add the picture, the add picture button doesn't work also the cancle button doesn't work. The picture upload goes great. Only the picture add doesn't work?

Thank you for the answer
The url of my site is
Also can you please tell me where to find the Joomla help
Thanks Ken
You need go to Template Manager: Templates, and click on help button on the right top side of the page.
The ”HOME” box is an article that you published on the home page.

I'm using 002031 Premium Version, and I have problem with the contact us icon on position 2.

When I click it, there's a pop window saying ”No profiles have been created. To create a new profile , use the Mail icon in the control panel.”

I do have existing profiles on Outlook, but the link is not picking it up.

How can I fix this?
You missed something, it should be checked.
Please fill the form on our services page and we will back to you asap,

The template has a bug, even on the demo page the contact us icon on position 2, is giving the same error.

But you saying I have to pay to fix that bug? Even though I bought the premium version.
Can you please provide us with an URL, we have to see it.
Hi, I am trying to create 4 custom HTML modules as shown in your modules position page in positions 20, 21, 22 and 23 but I cant place them side by side as shown in your sample. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong.
My url is
Thanks Ken
Looks like it doesn't work when left and right columns enabled and you have 4 modules published on the same page, it works for 3 only, we are going to fix it in few days, sorry about that.
How to update the new version ?
when overwriting index.php, params.php and templateDetails.xml via FTP I get the message ”Restricted access”

Regards, Manuel
Looks like you don't have permissions to upload files on the server, you have to change the file mode (CHMOD) to 777, otherwise you will need reinstall the template.

I need to remove the logo (companyname) that is positioned on the right side of the site pages, without removing the home page. Please tell me exactly which file I can do that.
There is no such option, it should be developed, if yo are interested in our services please contact us using the 'Contact Us' page.
can you please tell me how to change the background colour from white to a pastel shade
regards Ken
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