Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

You have to do it in css files, sorry, but it's impossible to provide you with such info, there is a lot of changes should be done.
What sort of answer is that. When I paid for the premium version I thought that I was getting a good template. You state in the contents for the premiun version that there are 10 different background patterns, so where are they? It seems to me that you should say that you can change the header colour but nothing else. Very disapointed
Yes, you are absolutely right, it has 10 different backgrounds, the preview of all 10 backgrounds is available, we think you checked all of them before purchasing the license.
You requested one more: 'from white to a pastel shade', we don't have such, sorry.
If you are interested in our services please visit the following page:
We will be glad to help you.

Where can I change the field names of the form ”contact form” (name, email, subject, message) and message (send an email. All fields with an * are required.)? What file?
what I want to do is change the background colour from white to any other colour. how do I do it. If you look at the page that I have created at you can see that it does not look very good. It seems to me that what you call the background colour only changes the colour of the heading and the modules but not the colour of the main content page. Now it seems that you want me to pay you more money
I just bought your product but I have a problem with the menu. On the not working properly. It is not active after moving the cursor and does not display all the articles. why?
Please read the following article:
you have to check step 7.

I have a problem with the contact us icon on position-2.

I used the code provided in the template tutorial and replaced the email with my email address. But I get Javascript code appearing instead of my email.
'The e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'
It is related to Joomla settings, please google the above msg, hope you will find a solution.

Where can I change the field names of the form ”contact form” (name, email, subject, message) and message (send an email. All fields with an * are required.)? What file?
You have to look in components, not in the template.
Drop-down menu is already running but i can not see all items?, max 5 See ”OFERTA” and ”POZOSTALE” there are 5 links but you can see only one
Please contact us through Contact Us page and provide with access to the Joomla admin center, we have to check this issue.
I have received an email telling me that you have replied to my query.Please tell me where to see this reply
Thanks casaazul
This template has background patterns parameter, not colors. Sorry.
Hi, got a quick question about menus. When I hover over a parent menu the sub menus are cramped up and partially hidden. How do i make the sub menu section extend to fit the text in on 1 line.
You have to change the submenu width in the template.css file, please look for:
#header #topmenu ul and #header #topmenu ul li
why it is not possible to use Slideshow on the first page and position-3 for another needs on other pages?
For example, to have slideshow only on the title page, and create custom html module with some text or static picture and put in mudle-3 position?
I don't want to have boring bg.header.half.png background with logo on every page of the website :)
This template doesn't have such option, sorry.

1)Could you provide me the source code for position no12 ? your link takes me to ”How to add a new Login module” so i can add my text?

in the source code that you provide us for modules no16,17,18,19

2)how can i add a link at the read more icon so i can redirect them to an article?

3)can i use this code for positions 20-31?
and last...

4)how can i add a image like you have (at position 20 for example)
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Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
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