Joomla! Template 002031 - Item Support

Please provide us with your site url, we will check and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again.

I've managed to set up page as you recomended. Tnx

I have a question though...

How do i change font in AS accordion menu from arila to Lucida Caligraphy... Tnx
Hello MATRIS8135,
The template doesn't have such font, you have to add it by yourself or ask for our services.

Regards, AS Team.
I could not delete, it says the file name contains characters not allowed. What can I do? Moreover, this is not relevant to the problem I have. The IE 10 cannot display the scroller long time before I uploaded the pictures in partners folder. After all, the absent scroller is not related to the pictures in partners foler. Do I miss anything? Thanks.
Try to move all images to another folder.

Regards, AS Team.
Yes, I did this today. It works in other website brower, but IE 10 can only display one moving picture. You can see my website. What to do? Thanks!

I fixed it somehow. Do not why, hehe.

i know my license for this template has expired - but if you look into my account you see that i bought a few other templates where the license are still active - so i hope you are so kiind and help me with a little problem.

i use the template on this site:

on the the right columm i place a "newsmodule" now i've been trying for days to change the white in grey or something else - i browsed through styles.php, template.css but i can't find the place where the white beackground is defined - on all other modules that i use on that size i could change the BG colour.

please be so kind a help me ...


In the template.css fole please find the following class:
#colleft li,
#colright li
background-position: left top;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
line-height: 30px;
list-style: disc inside none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 0 10px;
text-align: left;

and add backgroug-image property:

background-image: none !important;

Regards, AS Team.
yes it worx - thanks for your fast replay

Joomla 3.0 Template doesn't load in this Version of Joomla


I'm trying to use this template in a Joomla 3.0 but the template doesn't load as a Template, simply it doesn't anything.

I've bought this for a Joomla 2.5 Site and it works great, but now I'm planning to migrate to the new Joomla 3.0.

What should I do!?

Thanks in advance.
What template are you using for Joomla 3.0, the package contains 2 version.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi. I just purchased the 002031 template and cannot get the slideshow to load although I have installed and configured the mod and com. Please advise.

Also, the search (in position 0) is a bit funky. I'd like it just to be white (no background) however, I'd settle for the magnifying glass image being in the search box.

Id there documentation on how to configure the accordion menu? I don't have an sub-menu items to utilize it at this point, but may, in the future.

Site is live at:

In case to make everything working please install the template using quick-start installation package, after installing it your site will looks exact like our demo preview, it will be easy to modify the template using the template sample data, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
I already had a working installation. Including articles that I do not want to reload. I did the template install as instructed on the 'How to' page. I uninstalled and reinstalled the AS Slider module. I can see that the slider would like to load, there are some arrow/carrot looking things that are showing and it moved my logo and search bar to the right side of the page.

Can you help me configure it correctly or advise what may be wrong?

I noticed that the package does not come with the slider component. It is not required for this version like it is in the free version?

Actually, it looks as though the arrow/carrots I saw were for the accordion menu which I do not have configured. Once I unpublished it, the arrow/carrots went away. No slideshow whatsoever.

I fixed the slide show. Can you look at the Search bar and advise why the magnifying glass isn't in the search box and how do I change the background to white?
Please provide us with an access to the Joomla admin panel, we will check if it is possible without quick-start package.
In case to see how to config all modules you can install quick-start package on the demo server.

Regards, AS Team.
I just have updated to V410. Now I would like add a listimage to the submenu (">" = listimage) and all submenu elements should have a bottom border. Like this

Main-menu-item-1 Main-menu-item-2

> Submenu item 11 > Submenu item 21
__________________ _______________

> Submenu item 12 > Submenu item 22
__________________ _______________

> .......

I guess, it should be done in "tmpl_header.css", but I don't know how. I hope, you can help me.

Many thanks in advance

Best regards
We are sorry, such kind of question can't be covered by our support team, you have to ask for our customization services:

Regards, AS Team.
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